I came across this online the other day. I'd never read it before. I think our country forgets sometimes what we were founded on, and what this holiday is REALLY about!
1789-Written by William Jackson
WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, reqeusted me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLIC THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed;-- for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish Constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;-- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge;-- and, in general, for all the great and various favours which He has been pleased to confer upon us.
And also, that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions;-- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us); and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New-York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.
George Washington
I'm stuck somewhere between Cowgirl and City Chick. It gets a little crazy around here, but it's always an adventure!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Nuclear prayers!
I’ve heard someone say that our prayers go up to God like wisps of smoke. I can’t remember who it was, but if it’s true, my prayers have been going up like nuclear mushroom clouds lately. It’s what I do when I’m scared or stressed, or just flat out don’t know what else to do. I pray. And all of those feelings have been pretty common recently.
Everyone has stress. Sometimes our stress outweighs our capability to cope. I try really REALLY hard to handle my stress gracefully, but sometimes it gets the better of me. Ok fine, a lot of the time it gets the better of me…. Generally, when I reach my boiling point, it has something to do with finances. I feel like I can handle just about any other stress I’ve had to deal with thus far in my life until it comes to money, or the lack thereof to be more precise. I just can’t deal with financial stress. It completely screws up my whole thought process for everything, and completely overwhelms me.
If you live anywhere near Idaho (or the United States for that matter…) you know the job market is pathetic. If you’re in construction, like my husband is, you know that particular industry is even worse than pathetic. At least the jobs at Chuck’s caliber and pay scale. Which is why he’s had to work out of state. But even then, the market still isn’t fantastic where he’s at so he’s constantly looking for bigger and better opportunities. Our goal is for him to eventually have a career with a company that has stability, longevity and will be the best for our family. We want to be able to live the lifestyle we want and be able to comfortably afford the big family we want and give our kids every opportunity they deserve. We realize that means we have to “chase the money”. We also realize that this means we probably wont be able to stay in Downey.
We’ve been extremely fortunate with the company Chuck is currently working with. He’s had the opportunity to gain the experience and confidence he needs, and build the resume to really go after the bigger and better. Which is exactly what he’s done! I have to say, I am pretty proud of his ambition!
So this is where my atomic bomb prayers come in. Chuck is headed to North Dakota this weekend to start a new job. A job that he negotiated a significant pay rate for. A job with security through the winter, which is a big deal in construction. He also has an interview in December with a county in Idaho. (Government jobs = security to us. Benefits, stability, longevity, good pay, no lay offs, etc. It’s been the big goal.) In my prayers I’ve been asking for guidance, for the most part. Chuck was having a hard time deciding on whether or not to change jobs right now, and I just didn’t know what to tell him. So I asked for guidance. To put us on the right path, whether it “felt right” to us or not. Even if it’s not one of the opportunities we see in front of us at the moment.
My personal issue with the job opportunities available to us now is that both of them mean we will eventually have to move. Whether it’s further north in Idaho or WAY further north to the arctic tundra of North Dakota. (Can you tell how excited I am about that idea?) On one hand, I’m terrified. I don’t want to be that far from everything I know. My family is here, my friends are here, my kids’ babysitter and preschool is here, my church that has been so very influential to me is here. But……on the other hand……(I’m gonna switch gears here for a second, bear with me!) My best friend and I have this thing about learning to listen to our guts. We’ve learned that our brains don’t always necessarily know what is best and that our stubbornness in trying to force what our brains tell us, instead of listening to the good instincts God put in us, hinders more than helps.
My brain says to stick with what I know. Stay put. Cling to what I have here. Don’t venture into the unknown. However, in the last 6 or so years, every time we’ve “settled” somewhere, I eventually get a feeling that it’s not exactly where we’re supposed to be. I knew it in California (obviously!) I knew it in Brigham, I knew it in Tremonton, Portage and Malad. I knew it wasn’t a permanent place for our family. Here in Downey, I thought we were settled. I thought we had found the place where our babies would be born and raised. The “home” that our kids would always come home to after they were grown. It’s what my brain wants. But now even here in my comfort zone, my dang guts keep saying that it’s not exactly right, that it’s ok, but not perfect. I sit in my house, and instead of feeling content and settled, it feels temporary again. (And, just to be clear, my guts started saying this even before the prospect of moving for work came up! :D)
So on one hand, everything familiar and comfortable to me is here. But on the other hand, my guts say bigger and better is just out there waiting for us.
So I pray harder. I pray that I can listen to my heart and my instincts and God’s voice instead of my scared little brain. I pray that Chuck can listen to HIS heart too and do what is best for us. I pray that we have clarity and peace with whatever decision we’re led to make, because, for me doubt is the hardest part of any big decision for my family. I pray that the decision we make is the best for our current finances and our financial security in the future. I pray that I can handle being a “single mom” for that much longer, because honestly, I was kind of liking the idea of Chuck being home for the winter. I pray that Chuck can handle being away from his family. I pray that this is the answer to my recent discontent. I thank God that I have the husband that I do and that we have the same vision. That I can depend on him to support our family and he can depend on me to take care of everything else. I thank God for his mercy and grace in our dumb, misguided decisions in the past.
I send my prayers up in smoke signals, (some times mushroom-cloud-sized) knowing that they are being heard, interpreted and answered!
Everyone has stress. Sometimes our stress outweighs our capability to cope. I try really REALLY hard to handle my stress gracefully, but sometimes it gets the better of me. Ok fine, a lot of the time it gets the better of me…. Generally, when I reach my boiling point, it has something to do with finances. I feel like I can handle just about any other stress I’ve had to deal with thus far in my life until it comes to money, or the lack thereof to be more precise. I just can’t deal with financial stress. It completely screws up my whole thought process for everything, and completely overwhelms me.
If you live anywhere near Idaho (or the United States for that matter…) you know the job market is pathetic. If you’re in construction, like my husband is, you know that particular industry is even worse than pathetic. At least the jobs at Chuck’s caliber and pay scale. Which is why he’s had to work out of state. But even then, the market still isn’t fantastic where he’s at so he’s constantly looking for bigger and better opportunities. Our goal is for him to eventually have a career with a company that has stability, longevity and will be the best for our family. We want to be able to live the lifestyle we want and be able to comfortably afford the big family we want and give our kids every opportunity they deserve. We realize that means we have to “chase the money”. We also realize that this means we probably wont be able to stay in Downey.
We’ve been extremely fortunate with the company Chuck is currently working with. He’s had the opportunity to gain the experience and confidence he needs, and build the resume to really go after the bigger and better. Which is exactly what he’s done! I have to say, I am pretty proud of his ambition!
So this is where my atomic bomb prayers come in. Chuck is headed to North Dakota this weekend to start a new job. A job that he negotiated a significant pay rate for. A job with security through the winter, which is a big deal in construction. He also has an interview in December with a county in Idaho. (Government jobs = security to us. Benefits, stability, longevity, good pay, no lay offs, etc. It’s been the big goal.) In my prayers I’ve been asking for guidance, for the most part. Chuck was having a hard time deciding on whether or not to change jobs right now, and I just didn’t know what to tell him. So I asked for guidance. To put us on the right path, whether it “felt right” to us or not. Even if it’s not one of the opportunities we see in front of us at the moment.
My personal issue with the job opportunities available to us now is that both of them mean we will eventually have to move. Whether it’s further north in Idaho or WAY further north to the arctic tundra of North Dakota. (Can you tell how excited I am about that idea?) On one hand, I’m terrified. I don’t want to be that far from everything I know. My family is here, my friends are here, my kids’ babysitter and preschool is here, my church that has been so very influential to me is here. But……on the other hand……(I’m gonna switch gears here for a second, bear with me!) My best friend and I have this thing about learning to listen to our guts. We’ve learned that our brains don’t always necessarily know what is best and that our stubbornness in trying to force what our brains tell us, instead of listening to the good instincts God put in us, hinders more than helps.
My brain says to stick with what I know. Stay put. Cling to what I have here. Don’t venture into the unknown. However, in the last 6 or so years, every time we’ve “settled” somewhere, I eventually get a feeling that it’s not exactly where we’re supposed to be. I knew it in California (obviously!) I knew it in Brigham, I knew it in Tremonton, Portage and Malad. I knew it wasn’t a permanent place for our family. Here in Downey, I thought we were settled. I thought we had found the place where our babies would be born and raised. The “home” that our kids would always come home to after they were grown. It’s what my brain wants. But now even here in my comfort zone, my dang guts keep saying that it’s not exactly right, that it’s ok, but not perfect. I sit in my house, and instead of feeling content and settled, it feels temporary again. (And, just to be clear, my guts started saying this even before the prospect of moving for work came up! :D)
So on one hand, everything familiar and comfortable to me is here. But on the other hand, my guts say bigger and better is just out there waiting for us.
So I pray harder. I pray that I can listen to my heart and my instincts and God’s voice instead of my scared little brain. I pray that Chuck can listen to HIS heart too and do what is best for us. I pray that we have clarity and peace with whatever decision we’re led to make, because, for me doubt is the hardest part of any big decision for my family. I pray that the decision we make is the best for our current finances and our financial security in the future. I pray that I can handle being a “single mom” for that much longer, because honestly, I was kind of liking the idea of Chuck being home for the winter. I pray that Chuck can handle being away from his family. I pray that this is the answer to my recent discontent. I thank God that I have the husband that I do and that we have the same vision. That I can depend on him to support our family and he can depend on me to take care of everything else. I thank God for his mercy and grace in our dumb, misguided decisions in the past.
I send my prayers up in smoke signals, (some times mushroom-cloud-sized) knowing that they are being heard, interpreted and answered!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Have you seen that girl?
Have you seen that girl
That everybody says I used to be
Have you seen that girl
Where along the way did I lose me?
Have you seen that girl?
~Lee Ann Womack
I used to have ambition. I used to have patience. I used to be able to concentrate on something for more than five minutes. Including blogging, so I apologize if this one makes absolutely no sense.
Now just the thought of getting out my scrapbook stuff, or sewing stuff, or cleaning the kitchen, taking a shower, bringing in firewood, working the horses, making breakfast, or even sitting down with a book is completely overwhelming. I have to force myself to sit down with the kids and play or read to them. My brain feels so scattered that I don’t ever know where to even start with anything. When I actually start something, I sit and stare at it til I decide it’s not worth it. I cant plan anything in advance anymore so I always end up doing things last-minute and half-way. I’ve always been good at procrastinating, but it seems like that is all I ever DO anymore. If anything is remotely stressful or takes concentration, I put it off. I waste time doing useless stuff, and in the meantime, my stomach is in knots from worrying about everything I SHOULD be taking care of which makes me want to break down and sob all the time. And I don’t even want to talk about the quality of sleep I get.
The result of my issue is; my house is a wreck, I cant keep my kids on a decent schedule, nothing is ever done right, our finances are a mess, my yard is pathetic, my whole life is a wreck.
WHAT is WRONG with me? I don’t even know when this happened! I’m assuming it was a gradual change, because I think if it had happened overnight someone would have said something. I wonder if it was during the whole miscarriage/surgery/quitting my job/Chuck leaving phase. Maybe people just need to have a mental breakdown every once in a while to clear out the junk. Or maybe I’ve just lost it. Trying too hard to be perfect. Worrying too much that I’m not. Feeling inadequate as a mother, daughter, friend and wife.
I still have things I want to do. I still want to learn to play my stupid guitar, I still want to paint the ugly wall in my living room, I still want to learn to rope, I still want to actually finish a Bible study, I still have a hundred craft projects I want to do. But I cant do a single one of them.
I recently read something that made a lot of sense to me. “Victory always begins with a cry for help”. There’s not much anyone can do to answer my cry for help here, unless they have extensive education in crazy people. So I think I’ll spend a lot LESS time on the black hole of the internet, a lot more time on my knees, a lot more time in the Word.
I need something real, I need inspiration to find that girl I used to be, I need consistency, I need to dig deep and rebuild the strength I used to have, I need to grow my faith.
I need peace in my heart because there’s too much chaos in my head right now.
That everybody says I used to be
Have you seen that girl
Where along the way did I lose me?
Have you seen that girl?
~Lee Ann Womack
I used to have ambition. I used to have patience. I used to be able to concentrate on something for more than five minutes. Including blogging, so I apologize if this one makes absolutely no sense.
Now just the thought of getting out my scrapbook stuff, or sewing stuff, or cleaning the kitchen, taking a shower, bringing in firewood, working the horses, making breakfast, or even sitting down with a book is completely overwhelming. I have to force myself to sit down with the kids and play or read to them. My brain feels so scattered that I don’t ever know where to even start with anything. When I actually start something, I sit and stare at it til I decide it’s not worth it. I cant plan anything in advance anymore so I always end up doing things last-minute and half-way. I’ve always been good at procrastinating, but it seems like that is all I ever DO anymore. If anything is remotely stressful or takes concentration, I put it off. I waste time doing useless stuff, and in the meantime, my stomach is in knots from worrying about everything I SHOULD be taking care of which makes me want to break down and sob all the time. And I don’t even want to talk about the quality of sleep I get.
The result of my issue is; my house is a wreck, I cant keep my kids on a decent schedule, nothing is ever done right, our finances are a mess, my yard is pathetic, my whole life is a wreck.
WHAT is WRONG with me? I don’t even know when this happened! I’m assuming it was a gradual change, because I think if it had happened overnight someone would have said something. I wonder if it was during the whole miscarriage/surgery/quitting my job/Chuck leaving phase. Maybe people just need to have a mental breakdown every once in a while to clear out the junk. Or maybe I’ve just lost it. Trying too hard to be perfect. Worrying too much that I’m not. Feeling inadequate as a mother, daughter, friend and wife.
I still have things I want to do. I still want to learn to play my stupid guitar, I still want to paint the ugly wall in my living room, I still want to learn to rope, I still want to actually finish a Bible study, I still have a hundred craft projects I want to do. But I cant do a single one of them.
I recently read something that made a lot of sense to me. “Victory always begins with a cry for help”. There’s not much anyone can do to answer my cry for help here, unless they have extensive education in crazy people. So I think I’ll spend a lot LESS time on the black hole of the internet, a lot more time on my knees, a lot more time in the Word.
I need something real, I need inspiration to find that girl I used to be, I need consistency, I need to dig deep and rebuild the strength I used to have, I need to grow my faith.
I need peace in my heart because there’s too much chaos in my head right now.
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