I'm stuck somewhere between Cowgirl and City Chick. It gets a little crazy around here, but it's always an adventure!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Trip's new girlfriend!

Our first little change of the new year is the addition of our puppy Tia. She’s a full border collie like Trip, and a pretty cute little thing! Chuck traded some shoeing for her when he was in Montana to keep him company, but now that he’s working the insane hours he is, he doesn’t have the time for her. So guess who gets to take care of her now? That would be me. The caretaker of all of Chuck’s abandoned projects! But she’s fitting in quite nicely with the rest of the toddlers! Pees on stuff, chews on stuff, wakes me up in the middle of the night, needs constant attention, makes horrendous messes in a matter of seconds, picks on her brother, just like having another kid!

She really is a fun addition though. She seems to be really smart like Trip, and that’s a good sign. The last border collie puppy we had, Mocha, was an idiot so she only lasted a couple months here before I sold her to some unsuspecting sucker in Idaho Falls. Evil, I know. Tia, on the other hand, is almost too smart for her own good. She is (sorta) potty trained, but can tell when I’m ignoring her and pees on the floor with much spite. She knows that when Wes fusses at night momma is going to get up, and she usually beats me up the stairs to see what’s up. She has been incredibly spoiled by her Daddy (hence the name Tia=Princess) and thinks she is a lap dog and thinks she needs to be in my bed with me or on the couch with me or Wade all the time. But she also is picking up very quickly on the little bit of training I’ve done with her.

So sometime in the future, we’ll have border collie puppies from two really smart dogs! The plan is that the income from the puppies will make up for the absolutely ridiculously high priced dog food we have to feed Trip!

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