I'm stuck somewhere between Cowgirl and City Chick. It gets a little crazy around here, but it's always an adventure!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sometimes Strong gives out. Sometimes you lean on it and depend on it for so much that you forget to replenish it. Today, my Strong is gone. “Cowgirl up” isn’t in my vocabulary, I dumped out the stupid glass that was half full, and I’m not even going to try to look for my boot straps. Probably couldn’t reach ’em anyways. Today I’m going to wallow. I think I can do that once every few years or so, right? I’m sure this sounds an awful lot like complaining. Probably because it is. Today I don’t care.

If I didn’t have my best friends and my family, I would be completely alone right now. I don’t have a partner and my friends and family that care enough to help without asking are too far away. I’m still stubborn apparently. That didn’t take off with my strength.

I cant pick my baby up. I feel helpless and sad. My house is a wreck and I can barely stand for a half an hour without being in pain. My yard is dying and I cant even pull a hose over to save it.

Hopefully tomorrow my Strong comes back from it’s vacation, rested and replenished and ready to take on life.

Today I’m going to sit here and pout without it.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had read this sooner, though I am certain that even if I tried I would not be able to find your house to come out and help.
    Glad your strong came back and you are rockin life again. You are an amazing woman
